Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Is your child seeing ghosts? Could your child be a medium or psychic? Child Psychic Evaluations!

I have seen an increase lately in the number of phone calls & emails I get from parents who think their child may be psychic or have psychic abilities.  The experiences range from the paranormal (seeing ghosts or spirits) to psychic abilities- predicting the future, dreams, or even premonitions.  Often times these parents are understandably confused and concerned.  They don't know what to believe or how to feel.  They want to support their child, but they don't want to ignore the fact that something else could be wrong.  Often times this can be very alarming for both parent & child.  I encourage you to observe your child, ask questions, and look for natural explanations first.  If you can not find a natural explanation, please feel free to contact me for an appointment.  I can do a psychic evaluation/assessment of your child.  It's a simple painless process that includes a conversation with the parent, then the child. I then conduct a series of psychic and medium ability tests.  I can discuss my determination with you and then we move forward based on my recommendations and your wishes.  Many children do have these abilities.  It's hard enough to deal with them as an adult, but even more difficult for a child or teen.  Please keep in mind that I am a professional psychic and can often share experiences and feelings with a child or teen. I am not a licensed medical professional & often times, the symptoms of psychic phenomenon mimic the signs & symptoms of a serious medical or psychological condition that only can be determined by a licensed professional in that field. Please know that you are not alone and you are not crazy!  Many families have similar situations and your child or teen may in fact be a psychic or a medium.  For more information on these evaluations, please visit the : "FAQs" and the "Service & Rates" sections of my website or contact me.

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