Sunday, December 16, 2012

Psychic Medium Experience- Tragic School Shooting In Conneticut

I was sitting on my screened porch yesterday just after my CNN app on my cell phone sent me a notification of the news about the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting in Newtown,
Connecticut. I was speaking with my husband about it, although much of those 20-30 minutes we both just sat there in silence and disbelief. I was trying to process what had just happened in my mind. I began asking myself the question that every other parent (and non parent) in this country had been asking- Why? What happened to cause this horrific event? How could so many children be gone in the blink of an eye? While my mind knows that these questions are never really answered, my heart just can't help but beg for some type of sense to be made of it. I am a psychic medium. I spend most of my life connecting with those who have passed on from
this world. I deal with loss and tragedy everyday for a living, but there are times, and this is one of them, that I cannot even begin to "deal with"
a loss. In this case, the amount of pure pain & complete emptiness associated with losing the most innocent & precious of souls as a child is next to impossible to even put into words. I am a very spiritual person. I know firsthand that there is in fact a God who is in control of this world and while I do not go to church or practice any specific religion, I talk to this God often. I began asking him why, how this could have happened, imagining these families being told that they lost their loved ones in an instant and in such a horrific manner.
I then heard an answer-I'm not claiming in any way that God spoke to me yesterday, nor that I have any special connection with God that others do not....I do not know where this answer came from for sure- It may have been my spirit guides, my angels, my loved ones who have passed, or even my own mind and psychic ability trying to tell me something, but I heard one
word..."Scott". At the time, I had no idea how a simple name could have anything to do with the questions I had been asking in prayer. I told my husband..."I'm not sure where the connection is or even if the gunman has been identified" (thinking maybe I was picking up on the gunman's name) I later learned that the name of the gunman was not Scott, but I kept getting one
name loud and clear "Scott" over and over again, I'm hearing the name "Scott".
Late last night after crying most of the day, I began to feel physically ill, so I headed to bed and cried myself to sleep thinking of the parents who had gone through so much pain that day, as well as the family members of the adults that were lost, the responders, the media, and everyone else feeling such deep pain. This morning, as I was reading through my Facebook news feed on my cell phone, I read a post out loud to my husband (which I have included below in its entirety) and the phone literally fell out of my hand when he stopped me while I was reading it to him. He had shock in his voice when he shouted "SCOTT...THAT'S IT....SCOTT! "
it hit me like a slap in the face. This is the answer, this is the "Scott" that I was being told about
yesterday & was the answer to this horrific dilemma we face and these all too often acts of violence. Below is the post. I realize not everyone will believe me and I'm not trying to seem as though I have any answers or anything prophetic has occurred, but I do believe that someone was giving me an answer that was right in front of my nose all along:


Guess our national leaders didn’t expect this. On Thursday, Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton, Colorado, was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee. What he said to our national leaders during this special session of Congress was painfully truthful. They were not prepared for what he was to say, nor was it received well. It needs to be heard by every parent, every teacher, every politician, every sociologist, every psychologist, and every so-called expert! These courageous words spoken by Darrell Scott are powerful, penetrating, and deeply personal. There is no doubt that God sent this man as a voice crying in the wilderness.. The following is a portion of the transcript:

“Since the dawn of creation there has been both good & evil in the hearts of men and women. We all contain the seeds of kindness or the seeds of violence. The death of my wonderful daughter, Rachel Joy Scott, and the deaths of that heroic teacher, and the other eleven children who died must not be in vain. Their blood cries out for answers."

"The first recorded act of violence was when Cain slew his brother Abel out in the field. The villain was not the club he used.. Neither was it the NCA, the National Club Association. The true killer was Cain, and the reason for the murder could only be found in Cain’s heart."

“In the days that followed the Columbine tragedy, I was amazed at how quickly fingers began to be pointed at groups such as the NRA. I am not a member of the NRA. I am not a hunter. I do not even own a gun. I am not here to represent or defend the NRA - because I don’t believe that they are responsible for my daughter’s death. Therefore I do not believe that they need to be
defended. If I believed they had anything to do with Rachel’s murder I would be their strongest opponent."

"I am here today to declare that Columbine was not just a tragedy—it was a spiritual event that should be forcing us to look at where the real blame lies! Much of the blame lies here in this room. Much of the blame lies behind the pointing fingers of the accusers themselves. I wrote a poem just four nights ago that expresses my feelings best."

Your laws ignore our deepest needs, Your words are empty air.
You’ve stripped away our heritage, You’ve outlawed simple prayer.
Now gunshots fill our classrooms, And precious children die.
You seek for answers everywhere, And ask the question “Why?”
You regulate restrictive laws, Through legislative creed.
And yet you fail to understand, That God is what we need!

“Men and women are three-part beings. We all consist of body, mind, and spirit. When we refuse to acknowledge a third part of our make-up, we create a void that allows evil, prejudice, and hatred to rush in and wreak havoc. Spiritual presences were present within our educational systems for most of our nation’s history. Many of our major colleges began as theological
seminaries. This is a historical fact. What has happened to us as a nation? We have refused to honor God, and in so doing, we open the doors to hatred and violence. And when something as terrible as Columbine’s tragedy occurs—politicians immediately look for a scapegoat such as the NRA. They immediately seek to pass more restrictive laws that contribute to erode away our personal and private liberties. We do not need more restrictive laws. Eric and Dylan would not have been stopped by metal detectors. No amount of gun laws can stop someone who spends months planning this type of massacre. The real villain lies within our own hearts."

“As my son Craig lay under that table in the school library and saw his two friends murdered before his very eyes, he did not hesitate to pray in school. I defy any law or politician to deny him that right! I challenge every young person in America , and around the world, to realize that on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School prayer was brought back to our schools. Do not let the many prayers offered by those students be in vain. Dare to move into the new millennium with a sacred disregard for legislation that violates your God-given right to communicate with Him. To those of you who would point your finger at the NRA — I give to you a sincere challenge.. Dare to examine your own heart before casting the first stone! My daughter’s death will not be in vain!
The young people of this country will not allow that to happen!” - Darrell Scott

Do what the media did not - - let the nation hear this man’s speech.
God Bless!

I now understand the message that I was receiving loud & clear- the name Scott referred to this man, who had a message to tell us all. Our children should be permitted to pray to their God in school and anywhere else they wish- regardless of who their God is. Did these acts of violence occur before taking God out of our public lives & schools?..... maybe, but have these acts increased since taking God out? - The answer to me is obviously...yes.

I am saddened and sickened by the horrific events that unfolded Friday. My heart breaks everyday for those who are lost & heartbroken after losing their loved ones, but the amount of pure pain & complete emptiness associated with losing the most innocent& precious of souls as a child is next to impossible to even put into words....My thoughts, love, and prayers go out to the families of all the victims, witnesses, responders, reporters, & law enforcement affected by Friday's senseless tragic act of hatred and rage.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Fastest & Best Way to get Appointment

Just a quick note..thank you all for your blog comments. Many of these are asking for appointments....the fastest and best way to get a session is by calling my office directly at
717-328-2408. You will speak with my husband John who does all of my scheduling. If you get voicemail, leave a message, typically, these calls are returned faster than emails. Also, if you have emailed or called in the past and haven't yet gotten a response, please feel free to call again. I will try to answer the blog posts when I can

Monday, October 1, 2012

Psychic Medium Answers-Life After Death

Psychic Medium Answers-Life After Death

I get a ton of questions about life after death. I have selected a few of the most popular for this week's blog. I hope you learn a little something or find the answers interesting. Please continue emailing your questions & I'll keep answering them.

1- Can you communicate with Pets/Animals that have departed the physical world?

Absolutely....Souls of any being who lived on earth continue their life in Spirit after they leave the physical world.

2- Can you communicate with someone who never spoke English in life?

Yes, I can usually tell they didn't speak English because they "talk" much faster to me, but I hear them in English.

3- Why would someone come through for me in a session that I didn't really like or didn't know as opposed to someone I was very close to & miss dearly?

I honestly can't answer this question in the way I would like because I don't really understand it myself. I know that when someone passes, they leave all their negativity towards other behind. Often times, they come through during a session because they have a need to give a message or make peace with someone in the physical world. Also, if it's someone you barely knew, it could be that they are so excited/eager to reach out to the physical world, they have the strongest energy at the time. It is also my understanding that spirits do other things, so they may be busy at the time of the session. In the end, it doesn't mean your loved ones are not with you in spirit or do not want to communicate. It's important to remember, this isn't a Science, but I believe it really depends on the ability of the spirit and I to connect at any given time.

4- Why do they give you clues, signs, feelings, symbols, and impressions at first, then get more direct and speak in regular communication as the session moves forward?

This doesn't always happen. Sometimes, they give me their name and start direct clear and accurate communication almost immediately. Other times, it gets much clearer as the session develops. It is my belief that when I first connect, the connection may not always be strong enough at first, then we kind of "get into the groove" as the session develops. Also, spirits often wait to give their message until after they know that the person I'm sitting with and I are confident, without a doubt in our mind, of who they are. Their message would mean much less if we weren't completely positive it's our loved one.

5- Are all sessions equally accurate and clear?

No....again, I do not understand why myself, but some sessions are crystal clear giving me specific details the entire time...other ones, I have to continually ask questions and really push for the details. I believe it has something to do with the connection at the time and the energy of the person I'm sitting with.

6- Why does my loved one talk about insignificant or odd things sometimes instead of giving you information like my nickname or a special memory that I would immediately connect with?

Spirits say and talk about what they want to. I have no control over it at all. I wish they would say exactly what they need to say to convince the person I'm sitting with quickly, and sometimes it works just that way, but not always and I have no idea why. I do believe that often times the things they discuss & the validation info they give are things they feel are not too general but also not something I could possibly know.

7- Why do they give you initials and not names?

I often times do get exact names; however, when I do get initials, it's important to explain that sometimes they give me the letter itself, but most often, they are saying a name, but I can only understand pieces of it, like the first letter or the ending.

8- Do all spirits talk about different things?

Yes and No. They all talk about different things, but there are certain universal signs and symbols for me that I see frequently. Also, their messages are sometimes similar. No two sessions are ever identical- most all talk about completely different things. It's important for me to explain here that I'm just the messenger, so while I try to help the person I'm sitting with by explaining what that symbol typically means for me, it doesn't always mean the same thing. While I'm very eager to help by giving suggestions for a lot of what they show me & say, it's really important that the person doing the session knows what the Spirit is saying and understands.

9- Why do they connect & what do they want to say?

In my opinion, spirits who come through have a message to deliver to someone in the physical world....they do that through me. These messages are typically one of love, hope, peace, understanding, and unsettled or unresolved situations. It's not about me proving myself , it's truly about people knowing that their loved ones are still with them in Spirit & hopefully offering peace to not only those in the physical world, but often to the spirits as well.

10- You are a psychic too, does that mean you can look at people and know everything about them?

Not at all. The biggest misconception about Psychics and Mediums is that we should know everything about everyone. It just doesn't work this way. Remember, we are not the ones "pulling the strings" & we only know what we are "shown" and are supposed to know.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Theresa Caputo, Long Island Medium, Appointment, Contact, Wait, Fees

I am writing this blog because I get asked questions about Theresa Caputo every day while doing sessions with my current clients.  Here are the questions I get most often & my answers.  1-Do you know what Theresa charges?  I have not been able to find her fees on a website that is directly affiliated with her or her show; however, in my research I have talked to a few people that have had sessions with her.  According to them, it seems the price for a 30 minute session is around $400 in her local area-more if she travels and more for private groups.  I cannot say for certain this is accurate, as I only know what I'm being told by others.  2-How do I get an appointment with her?  To the best of my knowledge, the only way to get an appointment at this time is to email her directly.  I did see numerous requests on the facebook page & follow up comments that she had not been responding- in all fairness to her, I must interject, it's virtually impossible to respond to every request or comment/question I receive, she's on TV...I think it's obvious she couldn't possibly schedule a session with everyone who contacts her.  She has mentioned in several interviews that it's now a 2year+ wait for a session.  3- Are you as good as Theresa?  I do feel my sessions are similar in manner, accuracy, and style to Theresa's, I cannot honestly say I am or am not as good or better than her.  I think we are equally blessed with this gift.  4-Do you think she takes advantage of people by charging so much or by not doing this for free?  Not at all...this is her profession, she has a gift & like me, I'm sure she only wants to help people, this is NOT as easy as people might think.  She deserves to be paid just like anyone else in any profession.  Please read my previous blog regarding psychics medium & fees for more info.  5-Do you feel you are in competition with Theresa?  Absolutely not!  I honestly feel we are very similar, but not competitors...there is plenty of need for our services.  I often do sessions with clients while they wait on the 2+year waiting list or because they didn't get a response as of yet when they contacted her.  I realize she has much more exposure & a hit T.V. show and I'm just as big of a fan as the rest!    Please keep in mind, I'm in no way connected to Theresa on a business or personal level.  I have much admiration for her and feel that she has done an amazing thing for people like me who have this ability.  Every week she shows the world what it is like to do what I do.  As my family & I sit and watch her show, which we record/DVR, we are constantly pausing to reflect on how much this family is like ours.  It may sound strange to hear this from someone like me (I do see dead people after all) but it completely shocks me every time I watch it!  I can't believe how similar we are.  It makes me think there must be a class on the other side that we took before we were born or something.  I mean, here's this lady that I have never met who talks like me (a little bolder than me), says word for word what I say, not only during her sessions, but to her kids & husband, has similar interest, facial expressions, etc....  I can't even really explain how similar our lives are in one blog, but it validated for me that this was DEFINITELY something that was planned out before we ever came to this world.  As I continue to watch her during her sessions & in her everyday life, I realize, just how much of my life was planned before I was ever born, as that is the only explanation I can come up with as to how 2 strangers can have so much in common.  I will continue to support her and watch her show & I encourage everyone else to do the same!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Psychic Vision & Thought-Trayvon Martin

The murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, a Florida high school student who was shot and killed by George Zimmerman, a self-appointed neighborhood watch captain, has left our country confused, hurt, angry, & divided.  So what do I, as a psychic medium, think about this case?  I felt compelled to write this blog because I am OUTRAGED!  I know better than most people, that we are born with a plan.  A plan of our life, that includes a plan of when we are to die.  I do NOT feel it was Trayvon's time to die. 
A neighborhood watch is supposed to be a plan of protection, not one of racism or ignorance.  I feel that in this particular incident, this was NOT a case of self defense, rather a case of a person on a power trip who in an instance took the life of another human being.  I do not feel the police handled this case correctly from the beginning.  Mr. Zimmerman claimed self defense so they just took his word for it and did nothing?  This is not the way our plan was written.  This was a man who jumped to conclusions and acted out of fear and prejudice.  Did he assume that because Trayvon was African American that he must be "up to no good"?  Absolutely he did, but we all have heard what happens when we assume!  I have expressed in this blog what I feel actually happened.  Unfortunately, just me psychically knowing what happened can not bring this young man back to his family & friends.  It's a sad situation.  Everything in this world is planned by a power much higher than us, we are simply pawns & just like the pawns in a board game, the color of the pawn isn't supposed to have any impact on the outcome of the game, unfortunately, the plan is often skewed by  ignorance. The purpose is one of peace and acceptance.  Racism has never & will never be part of the agenda.  That is something humans created & is just one of many things that  that goes against the principles of life.  Those who act out of hatred are going against the plan. The only relief I can offer is that a power much higher than us will see that justice is served, even if it isn't in this world, it will be in the next!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Psychics & Psychic Mediums Differences-Time of Session, Fees, Confusion

I have been doing extensive research into other psychics and psychic mediums.  The differences in fees they charge, why these fees are so different,  etc.  I feel this is what I am meant to do with my life and rather than a hobby, it's now my profession, so I need to set my fees accordingly.  What did I find after hours of extensive research?........  It's confusing! 

There are  many different types of psychics, the sessions times & fees are all over the place.   It seems that the important factor when determining the fee is the type of psychic.  There are psychics, psychic mediums, card readers, astrology, numerology, palm reading, etc.. While some of these have actual psychic abilities, others practice learned skills and do not use an intuitive ability for the most part.   Another factor in pricing seems to be the amount of time a session lasts.

Let's first discuss the psychic & the psychic medium.  Psychics are those who have the intuitive ability to see things about you & your life that can not be explained-often focusing on your current & future, they can also see your past.  They have an ability to see with their mind, that which is unexplainable.  Psychics typically charge anywhere from $50-$200.  According to my research, the average psychic charges $50 for a 10-15 minute session.  Psychic sessions are usually less than 20 minutes.  While I wouldn't consider psychics to be easy to find or "common", they are a little more common than psychic mediums, which are the next type of psychic to discuss. This is the category I fall under.  Psychic Mediums can do everything the previously mentioned psychic can do, but with an additional ability to communicate with the Other Side, including ghosts, spirits, family & friends who have passed, angels, & spirit guides, etc.  Most psychic mediums(like myself) are often able to give specifics about your loved ones passed-their exact names, name of people in your family, their personality, etc.  As a psychic medium, I act as the "middle man"  to help connect my clients with their loved ones-I'm just the person delivering the message.  I also discuss past, present, & future with my clients (like a psychic).  We have a connection with the other side and can see/communicate with several different spiritual levels.   Psychic Mediums are typically a bit harder to find than the other psychics types.  The average psychic medium in the U.S. does 20-30 minute sessions, charging an average of $250 per session.    The final group of psychics are not technically psychics.  These are the ones with the learned skills, they consist of everything from astrology to numerology, these types of psychics are professional at what they do.  I'm not criticizing them, they have put in a lot of time and effort to learn their skill & I feel that there is some truth to each of these realms of parapsychology; however, this is a skill that most people could learn themselves and not so much a psychic. These type sessions are typically between $25-75, their sessions are typically short in time. Some lasting only 5-10 minutes.  Some of these type psychics do have some psychic abilities themselves as well, but many do not.  While the session fees are typically lower than a psychic or psychic medium, the session time is also shorter.

In conclusion, I found that psychic fees vary widely, mostly determined by the type of psychic and length of time a session lasts.   I'm not a "clock watcher" and allow my client's sessions to unfold and take as long as they need.  I do not charge based on minutes. My sessions are usually 30minutes-1 hour, with an average of 45 minutes and are $100 in my office.  I also offer telephone sessions, as well as travel for group sessions.  All psychics are different, some are mediums and some are not, some use tools and others do not.  All see things in a different way.  The best thing for anyone considering doing a psychic session is to do research on the psychic as follows: What type of psychic are they?  Do you want or need to connect with someone on the other side?  Do they have a good reputation & testimonials?  Are you concerned with how long the session lasts and if so, do you want a short or longer session?  Do your research.  In the end, there are many types of good reputable psychics to choose from.  You have to choose one you feel comfortable with, both in personality, and in fees, time, and accuracy.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Psychic Medium Secrets: Who, Why, How, & What questions answered

As a psychic medium, I get many questions from clients, friends, family, & even strangers.  Most of them revolve around how this works, what I see, how I see it, and if I tell EVERYTHING.  Let me start be explaining how I see.  I know there are countless tv shows that depict a psychic medium actually seeing spirits.  I do NOT see it like that.  I'm not saying other psychic mediums are lying, that just isn't the way I see it.  I "see" with my mind.  In my mind I picture people, places, & things.  In my mind I communicate with spirits, ghosts, and angels.  I even hear and feel in my mind.  It's like watching a movie in your head.  When I describe what a spirit looks like, it's simply them showing me.  They are actually no longer a physical body, but instead a collection of energy. Here is how I often describe it: if you wear glasses, take them off and try to see someone down the street-it's very blurry, but you may be able to figure out the general appearance... this is often how I see them in my mind.  I hear their words in my head as well.  Sometimes it's like they are in a tunnel far away and very muffled, other times it is clear.  They do not speak in sentences, but it's more of a game.  I get clues- I tell my client the clues, they have to figure out what it means.  For example, I had a spirit tell me to say "cookie" by showing me an image of a cookie in my mind, I said to my client "Cookie" he's showing me a cookie, did he love cookies or something?"  She instantly got excited and replied "No, his girlfriend's name is Cookie".  This is one way they get me to say certain things, another way is by showing me my family members, for example if they had diabetes, they will often show me my mom, who has diabetes.  Each psychic medium has certain signs and symbols, I have just learned with time & experience what some of my symbols mean.  They might show me the motion of a break with their hands, sort of like if you break a wishbone, this is my symbol for divorce or someone in the family not speaking.  I learn more symbols every day.   I also know if the thought/sound/sensation is coming from my right side, it's a loved one, if it's on my left, it's an angel or spirit guide.  I honestly have no idea why it works that way for me, it just does.  I also will occasionally have a client who is unsatisfied about who shows up to communicate.  They couldn't wait to speak with their mom, but she never shows, instead a great grandmother is here the entire time.  I try to ask for the mom to come, but more often than not, I don't get her that time.  It's not that her mom doesn't want to communicate, it's just that she's not there at the time.  This is very hard for most people to understand.  I don't understand it either.....I just know that I have no control over who shows up and who doesn't.  I have many regular clients who meet with me on a regular basis, some of them get a different person each time, some get the same person each time. I have yet to figure out why it works this way, it just does!  I also get many questions about spirits & ghosts going home with people either after a group or private session.  The answer is YES, the spirits who came with you will leave with you, if they didn't come with you, they will not leave with you.  Finally, I'd like to review a question that everyone is thinking, but few people actually ask out loud...Do I see the negative things and will I tell if I do.  I do see some negative things, but not many.  I may see that someone will have an illness or disease, be in an accident, have a fight with someone, lose their job, etc... None of these things are something I "want" to tell, but yes, I do tell everything I see unless someone instructs me otherwise.  I feel that this spirit is using it's energy to tell me things for a reason and it's not my job to judge if someone can handle it, but simply to pass the message on...that's what I do.  In closing, I would like to touch on one final subject that always seems to come up in questions.  Do I see them everywhere, all of the time?  Yes & No...I can say things to keep them away for the most part; however, if they want me to see them or to pass a message along, they will continue pestering me until I do what they want.  I can usually get them to leave me alone so that I'm not seeing hundreds of spirits when simply going to the mall or attending one of my kid's school functions, but often, I'll get that "look" in my eyes and one of the kids will say..."Mom, please don't do a reading now"!  I usually try to ignore it and it eventually goes away, but sometimes, I just can't help myself and approach a total stranger to tell them that their loved one is there and wants to say hello!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Fav Psychic Experience of the week-at the Casino, Relentless Spirit

Last weekend I was in the Delaware area doing a group session, which went very well.  At the end of the day on Saturday, feeling very tired, John and I went back to the hotel and I crashed.  Doing back to back readings is physically exhausting and emotionally draining.  I had hoped to go to the nearby casino that night, but was much too tired.  The next morning, after checking out of the hotel, we decided to stop at the casino for a bit before beginning our 3.5 hour drive home.  We typically go straight for the Roulette wheel (no my psychic abilities will not work for this, I have tried!), but they only had 2 tables open and they were packed.  We walked around looking and found a Spanish21 Table with 2 seats open-perfect!  We sat down and began to play.  Immediately upon sitting down and handing the dealer my player card and money, I heard it.  I knew I wasn't alone & thought, "Here we go again"!  I clearly heard the voice in my head saying "Thelma".  I tried to ignore it, it just kept repeating...."Thelma, Thelma....say it out loud, Thelma!"  I knew this wasn't going to go away, spirits can be relentless.  I tried saying (in my mind of course), " I'm not working right now Thelma, you need to leave!"  It didn't work.  Now in order to understand the next part of this story, you have to understand how this casino game works, basically, It's like regular BlackJack in most ways, but you have the chance of doing a side bet to try to "match" the dealer's card.  We are now sitting there approximately 30 minutes- I have heard that name "Thelma" repeated in my head the ENTIRE time.  I turn to John, my husband, and say, I'm not alone, someone named Thelma is here and she will not leave me alone, he just grinned.  I explained to him that I may have to say something, being his usual supportive self, he said :if you need to say it, say it!"  I then decided to reason with this spirit, I said (again in my mind), if you let me match the dealer's card, I'll ask these people if they know who you are when the dealer breaks to shuffle.  The very next hand, I matched, and the one after that, then an exact match, then again....I had explained to John what my deal was, he laughed.  This went on for several hands, I kept matching and we kept laughing.  By now the dealer and one other player at the table asked me what we were laughing at, I said, I'll tell you when we get to the shuffle, but you'll probably all think I'm crazy.  We finally get to the shuffle.  The dealer and the 1 guy who were on to me asked me to tell them what's up.  I said, "I am a Psychic Medium (of course, this always gets me some strange looks), I know that may sound crazy to you all, but there is a female spirit here named Thelma and she wants to talk to 1 of you"- they all look at me and then each other with a confused look on their face.  There were 2 guys to my left, I had thought for sure 1 of them were going to say they knew her.  There was an elderly lady on John's right and the dealer-all shaking their heads.  I was so afraid this would happen-no one knows her, they think I'm crazy, then the older lady, who I can't see well because John is partially blocking her, leans over and says "WAIT A MINUTE!", then starts digging in her purse...with a look on her face like she had just seen a ghost herself, she pulls out a picture from her wallet, it's a female, imprinted in the top corner is her name "Thelma", she turns the card over to show me it's the card she picked up at Thelma's funeral.  Thelma was her best friend's daughter.  I explained that Thelma wanted her to relay some messages to her family- she missed them, loved them all, was at peace, etc...", the lady looks at John as if she's terrified and says "I don't think I want them to know I was at the casino gambling"!  TRUE STORY!!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Psychic Medium Sessions- A Spirit Healing-Suicide, Murder, or Accidental Death

I recently had a private session with a new client.  We'll call her "Jane" for confidentiality purposes.  She was quieter than most of my clients and came in to my office visibly shaking- she was both afraid and anxious.  I opened the session as I always do, explaining the process and how spirits come through- the difference between a psychic medium & just a psychic, etc... First her grandmother came through-giving me names of people in the family and detailed info that she was shocked I knew...then a young man came through- I explained what he looked like & that he had passed much younger than her grandmother- I then gave his initials and finally his name- she was shocked and amazed, it was her brother.  As he started speaking, he began apologizing...he wanted her to know that he was so sorry.  He explained how he didn't live where she now does and that he had lived in a larger city, he said that he had gotten in with the wrong crowd and made some poor decisions. He then went on to say that the two of them had a lot of arguments and really didn't get along, he had been in legal trouble and had abused drugs and alcohol.  He also wanted her to know that when he passed of a drug overdose, it was NOT a suicide, he began to cry (the first time I had ever seen this from a spirit), he explained that he accidentally took too many prescription pills and while he had many issues and was depressed, he did NOT kill himself.  He also told her it was not a murder, but a complete accident.  He repeated several times how sorry he was for what he put their family through- both while he was living and after he passed. He then told her to please tell his parents that they did the right thing in dealing with his issues by exercising tough love and alienating him.  He mentioned the screaming in the home, the negative energy he created, and how much he wished he could change that.  As he was fading and leaving the session, he turned and said to me "Thank you so much, I really needed to get that out, I am fine here, but couldn't truly feel at peace until I got those things off my chest and told the people I loved how sorry I was and what really happened".  After the session, as "Jane" was leaving, she told me as tears welled in her eyes, how much agony the family had been through, over what caused her brother's death and the lingering questions:  Did he commit suicide, was he murdered?  They also worried that the tough love technique they chose to pursue with him, was the wrong one.  Now she knows the truth.   Of course, I have abbreviated this story for blog purposes.  The reason I wanted to share this session is because I felt it was an important lesson for me.  While there is no ill will or negativity and they are very happy and healthy, the process of communication with loved ones here on earth is a healing process, not only for us, but for the spirits as well.  I'm not sure why I have this ability to communicate with the spirit world, but I do feel now, more than ever, it is my responsibility to help not only my clients with the grieving process, but sometimes the spirits as well.  I hope that I can bring peace & comfort to not only those in this physical world, but to those that I am so blessed to be able to communicate with on the other side.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Psychic Answers-Suicide, Murder, Heaven or Hell? Good VS Evil?

I received a comment on a previous blog I had written (the most recent blog, last comment),from a lady who seems very lost and confused right now.  She is not alone, I get many similar calls and emails from others asking some of the very same questions and searching for answers.   I often receive questions regarding Suicide, Murder, Heaven & Hell.  These questions usually have to do with if Heaven and Hell really exist & what my beliefs are in relation to what happens to people who have sinned or committed suicide when they die. Do good people go to Heaven and bad people go to Hell? Are we forgiven for our sins, etc...

It is my understanding that there is not an actual Heaven or Hell on the other side.  At least, not the way many of us picture it or have been taught about it.  There are instead various levels or plains.  I guess one could say that the higher levels represent Heaven and the lower levels represent Hell- but that's not the way it is actually labeled.  The entire system is based on only one thing- Karma!  That's right... it's not as exciting or complex as you might think.  We all get back what we put out in life- good or bad, in this life or the next- We are rewarded for the good and held accountable for the bad. 

We all have a plan before we are ever born.  This is like a blueprint of what our life is supposed to be like, the challenges we should face, the people we will lose, and even when we are supposed to die- down to the day and minute- it's all planned before we are ever born. These lessons help us to achieve the ultimate goal: to live a selfless life full of  love and compassion for others. 

The other side, regardless of the level a spirit is on, is a beautiful magical place.  It's very similar to what we are taught to expect Heaven to look and feel like.  When we die, we go to a certain level in "Heaven".  Our levels are determined by our life and how we live it (please keep in mind that there are many other details and circumstances being omitted here,  I'm just trying to explain this without writing an entire book on a blog). 

When you get over there and go to your assigned level, based on your life here in the physical world, you begin going through training and counseling of sorts to learn what you didn't learn while here and to prepare you for your next life.  Most spirits are over there for hundreds of years on their current level before returning to this world.

Now let's discuss suicide.  When you commit suicide, you end your life earlier than you had previously agreed.   This means that all future lessons will be missed and past ones were not mastered. This goes against your "blue print".  As a result,  there are consequences. You will have to go through some very short counseling on the lower levels of the other side, then you must be re-born very quickly.  You will be born as someone else, but must face all of the same struggles and challenges in your new life that you tried to escape from your last time around.

So you see, when I say, suicide is NEVER the truly isn't, you will just be re-born and have to deal with the same problems and issues all over again until you get it right.  There is a little more that occurs during the "in between" period- that is, after you commit suicide but before you come back, but I'm not going to get into that in this blog. 

The same holds true for murderers, rapists, etc...  They are also held accountable for what they have done in life.  They immediately go to a lower level.  They have to go through intense training and counseling, a reformation of sorts.

The biggest thing I have learned is that what I thought I knew about redemption of sins, is simply not true.  When you die, all your sins are not simply forgiven because you asked for them to be, also, while you are held accountable for what you do in this life, there is no Satan and there is no Hell (at least not the way most of us have been taught).

It may seem like being born and having to do the same life over again as a different person isn't much punishment- but please remember, our souls do not want to be born- we don't want to come to this life any sooner than we have to- so in a way, it is like a punishment.

To sum it up, I haven't even started to explain all of the dynamics involved with death and suicide, Heaven and Hell, or Good & Evil.  If you take only one thing away from this blog post, I hope you'll understand that suicide is NEVER the answer and Karma is very real!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Whitney Houston-My Psychic Vision/Suicide? Thoughts surrounding her death

I'd like to start out by saying I'm not writing this blog to gain attention or to in any way take focus off what really matters- her life, but Whitney Houston gave us all such a wonderful gift with her voice, and to lose her at such a young age is a tragedy.  With that being said, I have heard from many people asking me what I, as a psychic, think happened- I may be putting my reputation on the line by giving my initial impressions- which I had told some people (you know who you are) within minutes of initially hearing about her death.  I believe Whitney Houston passed a long time before the authorities were called.  I also believe there is in some way a suicidal energy with her passing.  I'm very sorry to express that & I'm sure many will argue with me, but that's the energy I get...meaning she either intentionally took her own life or she knew she was leaving this world, and didn't reach out for help because she didn't care.  I feel she was laying on the floor for a long period of time, and this may have been how she was found.  There were prescription drugs involved.  I know some of these things can be assumed by anyone who has ever read a newspaper or watched tv, but I'm saying I don't see it being "street drugs".  I know the media has already released the fact that she was found in a hotel, but that's another fact I had seen clearly.  I know many of you are asking yourself why I am writing this blog...the answer is of now, the media hasn't released any info about her death except that she passed & that it was in a hotel.  I "focused in" on this because numerous people asked me what my thoughts and feelings were- I could be wrong- no psychic is right 100% of the time, but this is what I see.  Rest in Peace Whitney.  You will be missed by family, friends, and fans.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Psychic Session-Who IsThis Guy-Relentless Spirit, Mysterious Death, & Lessons Learned

I wanted to share another memorable session.  I was doing a group session.  There were about 10 people present.  I went around the room as I usually do, different family members and friends were coming through for different guests. It was a "typical" group session (If you can ever call these experiences typical). 
    Suddenly, I had the spirit of a man saying he passed young, he appeared to be in his late teens or early 20s.  He gave me the feeling that he was very close to someone in the group.  I said  " I have a man who passed early in life, he says he was very close to someone here...maybe a husband/boyfriend or even a brother or best friend".  No one from the group responded.  I continued.."He's a good looking guy, someone really close- a cousin or brother maybe? he says he spent holidays with you, did things together as children, he says you have a sister...someone must know this guy?" Still, the group remains quiet...I then ask again.. "Does anyone know who this is?".  
    I must explain here that often times the spirit is relentless and will not simply leave.  They will continue as long as it takes for me to connect them with the right person. 
    The guests begin saying, no, not me, I have no idea who this is ( I can tell by the looks on their faces they are starting to doubt my abilities)....At this point, I am beginning to get frustrated and so is he...he then gives me a name, loud & clear...., I say to the group "OK, Who is Jennifer"? I say this rather abruptly, the same way he said it to me.  Finally, a girl in the corner of the room says..."That's me...I'm Jennifer".  I proceed to ask her if she had anyone she was very close to who passed at a young age, she says, yes my cousin.  I tease her a little & say "Finally, duh...why didn't you speak up?", she replied that she was thinking it was a husband or boyfriend because that's the first thing I had said about him. 
    He then goes on to give her information to validate his identity, personal stories about how they got in trouble together as kids and other situations that meant something & validated his identity for her.  He then tells me his death was mysterious.  He continues to explain that his parents always suspected foul play and they were right.  He tells me to tell her, "Go see them, she hasn't seen them in a while"...she confirms that this is true-his parents did suspect foul play & she hadn't seen them in a while.  He instructs her (through me) to tell his parents that they were right, that there were at least 2 others involved in his death and that somehow drugs were related.  He said his parents needed to hear that.  She confirmed that they were having a very difficult time getting past his death because they just didn't know what happened.  I then told her every detail he gave me about his death. 
    While I have many memorable readings, this is one of those that sticks with me.  This reading taught me two very important lessons about the other side....1-If a spirit has a message that they feel is important to get out, they will...they do not give up and will continue relentlessly until I get the message to the right person. 2- I have to say what they say, I shouldn't guess or try to figure out the clues myself, this can confuse the clients or lead them down the wrong path.  If I had just said what I heard, that this was a male who was very close to someone in the room, Jennifer may have thought of her cousin sooner, but because I interpreted his statement about the close relationship to mean it was possibly a husband and that was the first thing I said, she immediately discounted it and thought this message was meant for someone else. As soon as she heard me say "Possibly a husband", she tuned out, until I said her name, Jennifer.  It can sometimes be difficult to just repeat exactly what I hear.  It sounds like it would be easy enough to just repeat, and that is my job, but as humans, we automatically try to understand or decipher the clues ourselves.  I wasn't trying to lead my clients, but simply trying to help them interpret the meanings of the clues based on my experience.  I now try to say EXACTLY what is said to me, word for word, and  while I may offer suggestions, such as "this usually means...", I no longer try to figure it all out myself.  I know now that it is not my job to figure it all out, I am simply the messenger.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Is your child seeing ghosts? Could your child be a medium or psychic? Child Psychic Evaluations!

I have seen an increase lately in the number of phone calls & emails I get from parents who think their child may be psychic or have psychic abilities.  The experiences range from the paranormal (seeing ghosts or spirits) to psychic abilities- predicting the future, dreams, or even premonitions.  Often times these parents are understandably confused and concerned.  They don't know what to believe or how to feel.  They want to support their child, but they don't want to ignore the fact that something else could be wrong.  Often times this can be very alarming for both parent & child.  I encourage you to observe your child, ask questions, and look for natural explanations first.  If you can not find a natural explanation, please feel free to contact me for an appointment.  I can do a psychic evaluation/assessment of your child.  It's a simple painless process that includes a conversation with the parent, then the child. I then conduct a series of psychic and medium ability tests.  I can discuss my determination with you and then we move forward based on my recommendations and your wishes.  Many children do have these abilities.  It's hard enough to deal with them as an adult, but even more difficult for a child or teen.  Please keep in mind that I am a professional psychic and can often share experiences and feelings with a child or teen. I am not a licensed medical professional & often times, the symptoms of psychic phenomenon mimic the signs & symptoms of a serious medical or psychological condition that only can be determined by a licensed professional in that field. Please know that you are not alone and you are not crazy!  Many families have similar situations and your child or teen may in fact be a psychic or a medium.  For more information on these evaluations, please visit the : "FAQs" and the "Service & Rates" sections of my website or contact me.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Psychic-Medium Group Session-Solved 25 year old Murder Case

I just wanted to share an interesting reading that happened over the weekend.  While all readings are very interesting & exciting and often bring peace & joy  to the client & myself, some of them , like this one, just stand out to me. I can't remember every detail of how this went because if you have ever met me, you know, I forget most of what comes through during a reading as soon as it is out of my mouth-they are not my thoughts-so they are gone instantly, but here's what I do remember of this reading.
  I went to West Virginia to do a group session.  I only knew the host and 2 attendees of the group.  I did my normal intro to the group of about 15 people.  A very nice older man came through to chat with his wife and granddaughter, then a mother in law,  a friend, etc... as we had the chance to connect various people around the room with their loved ones.  We passed the tissues around (which is how it normally goes at a group) when suddenly I had a very bad pain in my head.  I have never felt a headache that bad.  I also felt a squeezing pressure in my head with the pain.  I explained the feeling & that it came with a man who probably passed young- in his 20s or 30s.  He passed with trauma to his head.  An older lady from the corner of the room said "I think that's for me", her voice quivering as tears welled her in eyes.  I asked if she had a son who passed several years ago with head trauma at this age...she said "yes".  I can't remember the "small talk" but he started with little comments and words to validate his identity...all of which she nodded and agreed made sense to her.  I then said "I feel like his death was an accident, not medical related", to which she replied an astounding "YES"!  She then asked "What can you tell me about his death?"  I told her that he said it was an accident but someone was keeping a secret.  I saw a group of people around him, something happened, they all ran, someone knew & either didn't try to help or didn't tell anyone something important that they knew.  She then explained to me that he had been shot in the head.  The police told her he used his own gun & he accidentally shot himself in the head.  I then told her, "He's saying it didn't happen that way."  She immediately sighed loud enough for the entire room to hear.  She then said, the police told me he was getting the gun out to show his friends when the gun went off and he accidentally shot himself.  She said he had been a hunter and grew up around guns his entire life, so it wasn't strange that he got the gun out to show friends.  I then asked her (I almost didn't ask this because I couldn't believe he was saying what I thought I heard next).....I ask "Was there someone with him at the time named Scott ?"  She began crying & shook her head yes..she could barely speak to answer and I was getting filled with emotion too (something I rarely do at a reading).  I said...Scott did it.  He says he got the gun out to show his friends, Scott was handling it & somehow it went off and shot him-he died almost instantly and felt no pain.  It was an accident, no doubt about it, but Scott never admitted that he did it.  Her voice grew much stronger now and louder, she was no longer sobbing but almost smiling as she said "I KNEW IT!  I CONFRONTED SCOTT & HIS WIFE SEVERAL YEARS AGO....BUT HE STILL DENIED IT, I KNEW IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, BUT I ALSO KNEW MY SON DIDN'T SHOOT HIMSELF".  The entire group gasped at this point, but aside from that gasp, the other attendees said nothing & the room was completely quiet.  I told her that she was absolutely right & that he clearly told me this Scott guy had murdered him, but by complete & total accident.  He didn't want her to pursue this in any way...he just wanted her to have peace again knowing what really happened & that she was right all along.  We continued for a few moments with other family members in the room.  When the group session ended, she came up to me and hugged me so tight it brought tears to my eyes.  She explained that this has haunted her for over 25 years.  She hasn't had true peace in her life since the day she lost her son because she knew he couldn't have done it himself.  He had an injury to the hand the police said he shot himself with earlier in his life, that left it so he couldn't move it a certain way- there was no way he could have shot himself in the manner the police told her.  She cried & said "I will finally be able to sleep at night and enjoy my life, thank you so'll never know what this meant to me, it changed my life".  While I may never truly understand the impact this had on this lady.  I do know that the look of calm & peace in her eyes when she left was so overwhelming it took my breath away.  I know now for certain that this is what I'm supposed to do with my life.  I don't feel I deserve that kind of credit, as I am just the messenger..repeating what I hear.  It was the connection & love between her and her son that allowed me to repeat his words that night, but I LOVED being their interpreter!